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Cathie O’Blitas

I have been a patient of Dr. Walid Abou Dehn for 4 weeks, and have noticed a considerable difference in a chronic pain condition I have had for eighteen months. I came to Dr. Walid having suffered from lower back pain for much of my life. Eighteen months ago, I received a heavy knock to the chest region which resulted in severe pain in the sternum and chest. The pain was so severe, I felt that someone was sticking a knife into my chest.

After a visit to the doctor and several X-Rays later, I diagnosed with “Intercostal Chondinitis”. I was in pain for 18 months. I tried everything to get rid of it- chiropractors, massage, anti-inflammatory creams, physiotherapy, exercises you name it.
It was only after seeing Dr. Walid that the pain began to shift, the first session was unusual because although he only pressed very lightly on my back, I felt something changing and happening. I also felt overwhelmed emotionally and began to cry uncontrollably (to my embarrassment!).

The treatment made me very relax and sleepy, so I had a lot of rest that week. By the second session 80% of the pain had gone! And I felt only a slight tingling in my chest, and I was back to the gym with no consequences. I am really very impressed with the treatment, and I understand that it works in a gentle manner than other treatments, through re-aligning the body and creating the balance in the central nervous system.

“Thank you so much Dr. Walid, you’ve made a big difference to my quality of life and happiness”

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